Log Messages
Info. & Errors 2
Informational and error log messages generated during the execution of the application.
Level | Channel | Message |
INFO | request |
Matched route "cashbox_search_index" .
[ "route" => "cashbox_search_index" "route_parameters" => [ "_route" => "cashbox_search_index" "_controller" => "App\Controller\CashBox\SearchController::index" ] "request_uri" => "https://1655948041.swtpos.de/cashbox_search" "method" => "POST" ] |
INFO | doctrine |
Connecting with parameters [ "driver" => "pdo_mysql" "charset" => "utf8" "url" => "<redacted>" "host" => "" "port" => 3306 "user" => "0ea4e7d9ff58ceb3db0ace108266096e" "password" => "<redacted>" "driverOptions" => [] "serverVersion" => "mariadb-10.4.8" "defaultTableOptions" => [ "charset" => "utf8" ] "dbname" => "6930a678053fbd38c507bcf491e1d6f9" ] [ "params" => [ "driver" => "pdo_mysql" "charset" => "utf8" "url" => "<redacted>" "host" => "" "port" => 3306 "user" => "0ea4e7d9ff58ceb3db0ace108266096e" "password" => "<redacted>" "driverOptions" => [] "serverVersion" => "mariadb-10.4.8" "defaultTableOptions" => [ "charset" => "utf8" ] "dbname" => "6930a678053fbd38c507bcf491e1d6f9" ] ] |
Deprecations 60
Log messages generated by using features marked as deprecated.
Debug 272
Unimportant log messages generated during the execution of the application.
Time | Channel | Message |
security |
Read existing security token from the session.
[ "key" => "_security_main" "token_class" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\Token\PostAuthenticationGuardToken" ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.account_id AS account_id_5, t6.id AS id_7, t6.given_name AS given_name_8, t6.family_name AS family_name_9, t6.external_identifier AS external_identifier_10, t6.telephone AS telephone_11, t6.status AS status_12, t6.lock_pin AS lock_pin_13, t6.from_api AS from_api_14, t6.user_id AS user_id_15, t6.employee_group_id AS employee_group_id_16, t6.language_id AS language_id_17 FROM user t0 LEFT JOIN employee t6 ON t6.user_id = t0.id WHERE t0.id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 2 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.account_id AS account_id_5, t6.id AS id_7, t6.given_name AS given_name_8, t6.family_name AS family_name_9, t6.external_identifier AS external_identifier_10, t6.telephone AS telephone_11, t6.status AS status_12, t6.lock_pin AS lock_pin_13, t6.from_api AS from_api_14, t6.user_id AS user_id_15, t6.employee_group_id AS employee_group_id_16, t6.language_id AS language_id_17 FROM user t0 LEFT JOIN employee t6 ON t6.user_id = t0.id WHERE t0.id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 2 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
security |
User was reloaded from a user provider.
[ "provider" => "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Security\User\EntityUserProvider" "username" => "durbengmbh@swtpos.de" ] |
security |
Checking for guard authentication credentials.
[ "firewall_key" => "main" "authenticators" => 2 ] |
security |
Checking support on guard authenticator.
[ "firewall_key" => "main" "authenticator" => "App\Security\LoginFormAuthenticator" ] |
security |
Guard authenticator does not support the request.
[ "firewall_key" => "main" "authenticator" => "App\Security\LoginFormAuthenticator" ] |
security |
Checking support on guard authenticator.
[ "firewall_key" => "main" "authenticator" => "App\Security\ApiTokenAuthenticator" ] |
security |
Guard authenticator does not support the request.
[ "firewall_key" => "main" "authenticator" => "App\Security\ApiTokenAuthenticator" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::setDefaultLocale" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::setDefaultLocale" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\QueryParameterValidateListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\QueryParameterValidateListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::configureLogoutUrlGenerator" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::configureLogoutUrlGenerator" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\AddFormatListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\AddFormatListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\ReadListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\ReadListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\Security\EventListener\DenyAccessListener::onSecurity" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\Security\EventListener\DenyAccessListener::onSecurity" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\DeserializeListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\EventListener\DeserializeListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\Security\EventListener\DenyAccessListener::onSecurityPostDenormalize" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\Security\EventListener\DenyAccessListener::onSecurityPostDenormalize" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\EventListener\SwaggerUiListener::onKernelRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.request" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\EventListener\SwaggerUiListener::onKernelRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller" "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener::onControllerArguments" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller_arguments" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener::onControllerArguments" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller_arguments" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.controller_arguments" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments" .
[ "event" => "kernel.controller_arguments" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments" ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.uuid AS uuid_2, t0.gtin AS gtin_3 FROM gtin t0 WHERE t0.gtin = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => "schni" ], types: [ 1 => 2 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.uuid AS uuid_2, t0.gtin AS gtin_3 FROM gtin t0 WHERE t0.gtin = ?" "params" => [ 1 => "schni" ] "types" => [ 1 => 2 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.handle AS handle_1, p0_.name AS name_2, p0_.price AS price_3, p0_.model AS model_4, p0_.status AS status_5, p0_.image AS image_6, p0_.add_date AS add_date_7, p0_.description AS description_8, p0_.uuid AS uuid_9, p0_.component_price AS component_price_10, p0_.container AS container_11, p0_.container_size AS container_size_12, p0_.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_13, p0_.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_14, p0_.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_15, p0_.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_16, p0_.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_17, p0_.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_18, p0_.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_19, p0_.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_20, p0_.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_21, p0_.deposit AS deposit_22, p0_.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_23, p0_.tax_id AS tax_id_24, p0_.unit_id AS unit_id_25, p0_.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_26 FROM product p0_ WHERE p0_.name LIKE ? ORDER BY p0_.name ASC" (parameters: [ 1 => "%schni%" ], types: [ 1 => 2 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.handle AS handle_1, p0_.name AS name_2, p0_.price AS price_3, p0_.model AS model_4, p0_.status AS status_5, p0_.image AS image_6, p0_.add_date AS add_date_7, p0_.description AS description_8, p0_.uuid AS uuid_9, p0_.component_price AS component_price_10, p0_.container AS container_11, p0_.container_size AS container_size_12, p0_.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_13, p0_.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_14, p0_.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_15, p0_.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_16, p0_.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_17, p0_.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_18, p0_.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_19, p0_.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_20, p0_.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_21, p0_.deposit AS deposit_22, p0_.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_23, p0_.tax_id AS tax_id_24, p0_.unit_id AS unit_id_25, p0_.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_26 FROM product p0_ WHERE p0_.name LIKE ? ORDER BY p0_.name ASC" "params" => [ 1 => "%schni%" ] "types" => [ 1 => 2 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.tax AS tax_3, t0.uuid AS uuid_4, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_5 FROM tax t0 WHERE t0.id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 2 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.tax AS tax_3, t0.uuid AS uuid_4, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_5 FROM tax t0 WHERE t0.id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 2 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 509 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 509 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.create_date AS create_date_3, t0.uuid AS uuid_4 FROM price_group t0 WHERE t0.id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 2 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.create_date AS create_date_3, t0.uuid AS uuid_4 FROM price_group t0 WHERE t0.id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 2 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.create_date AS create_date_2, t0.uuid AS uuid_3, t0.given_name AS given_name_4, t0.family_name AS family_name_5, t0.email AS email_6, t0.b2b AS b2b_7, t0.vat AS vat_8, t0.customer_group_id AS customer_group_id_9, t0.discount_id AS discount_id_10, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_11 FROM customer t0 WHERE t0.price_group_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 2 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.create_date AS create_date_2, t0.uuid AS uuid_3, t0.given_name AS given_name_4, t0.family_name AS family_name_5, t0.email AS email_6, t0.b2b AS b2b_7, t0.vat AS vat_8, t0.customer_group_id AS customer_group_id_9, t0.discount_id AS discount_id_10, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_11 FROM customer t0 WHERE t0.price_group_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 2 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 509 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 509 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 509 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 509 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 509 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 509 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 509 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 509 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 509 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 509 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1013 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1013 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1013 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1013 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1013 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1013 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1013 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1013 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1013 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1013 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1013 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1013 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1300 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1300 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1300 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1300 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1300 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1300 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1300 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1300 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1300 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1300 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1300 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1300 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1024 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1024 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1024 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1024 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1024 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1024 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1024 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1024 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1024 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1024 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1024 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1024 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1420 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1420 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1420 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1420 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1420 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1420 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1420 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1420 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1420 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1420 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1420 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1420 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 588 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 588 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 588 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 588 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 588 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 588 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 588 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 588 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 588 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 588 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 588 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 588 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1445 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1445 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1445 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1445 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1445 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1445 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1445 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1445 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1445 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1445 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1445 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1445 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 839 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 839 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 839 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 839 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 839 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 839 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 839 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 839 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 839 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 839 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 839 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 839 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 660 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 660 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 660 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 660 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 660 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 660 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 660 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 660 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 660 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 660 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 660 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 660 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 996 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 996 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 996 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 996 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 996 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 996 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 996 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 996 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 996 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 996 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 996 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 996 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1471 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1471 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1471 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1471 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1471 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1471 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1471 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1471 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1471 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1471 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1471 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1471 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1305 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1305 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1305 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1305 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1305 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1305 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1305 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1305 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1305 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1305 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1305 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1305 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 548 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 548 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 548 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 548 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 548 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 548 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 548 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 548 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 548 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 548 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 548 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 548 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 935 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 935 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 935 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 935 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 935 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 935 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 935 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 935 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 935 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 935 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 935 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 935 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1302 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1302 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1302 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1302 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1302 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1302 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1302 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1302 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1302 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1302 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1302 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1302 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 510 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 510 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 510 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 510 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 510 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 510 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 510 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 510 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 510 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 510 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 510 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 510 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 903 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 903 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 903 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 903 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 903 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 903 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 903 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 903 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 903 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 903 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 903 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 903 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1453 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1453 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1453 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1453 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1453 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1453 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1453 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1453 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1453 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1453 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1453 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1453 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1395 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1395 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1395 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1395 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1395 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1395 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1395 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1395 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1395 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1395 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1395 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1395 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 409 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 409 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 409 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 409 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 409 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 409 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 409 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 409 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 409 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 409 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 409 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 409 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 397 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 397 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 397 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 397 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 397 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 397 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 397 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 397 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 397 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 397 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 397 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 397 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 609 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 609 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 609 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 609 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 609 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 609 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 609 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 609 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 609 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 609 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 609 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 609 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1386 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1386 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1386 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1386 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1386 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1386 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1386 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1386 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1386 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1386 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1386 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1386 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1261 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1261 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1261 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1261 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1261 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1261 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1261 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1261 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1261 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1261 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1261 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1261 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1469 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1469 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1469 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1469 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1469 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1469 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1469 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1469 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1469 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1469 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1469 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1469 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1413 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1413 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1413 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1413 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1413 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1413 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1413 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1413 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1413 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1413 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1413 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1413 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1455 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1455 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1455 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1455 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1455 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1455 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1455 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1455 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1455 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1455 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1455 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1455 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 407 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 407 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 407 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 407 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 407 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 407 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 407 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 407 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 407 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 407 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 407 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 407 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 406 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 406 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 406 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 406 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 406 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 406 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 406 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 406 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 406 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 406 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 406 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 406 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1260 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1260 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1260 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1260 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1260 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1260 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1260 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1260 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1260 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1260 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 1260 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 1260 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 734 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 734 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 734 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 734 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 734 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 734 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 734 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 734 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 734 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 734 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 734 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 734 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 394 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 394 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 394 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 394 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 394 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 394 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 394 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 394 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 394 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 394 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 394 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 394 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 688 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 688 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 688 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 688 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 688 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 688 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 688 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 688 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 688 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 688 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 688 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 688 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 687 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 687 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 687 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 687 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 687 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 687 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 687 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 687 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 687 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 687 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 687 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 687 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 979 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.component_price AS component_price_3, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_4, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_5, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_6, t0.quantity AS quantity_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 979 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 979 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.price AS price_2, t0.quantity AS quantity_3, t0.component_price AS component_price_4, t0.valid_from AS valid_from_5, t0.valid_to AS valid_to_6, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_7, t0.product_id AS product_id_8, t0.price_group_id AS price_group_id_9, t0.customer_id AS customer_id_10, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_11 FROM scale_price t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 979 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 979 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.follow_up_product_id WHERE FollowUp.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 979 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 979 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.handle AS handle_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.price AS price_4, t0.model AS model_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.image AS image_7, t0.add_date AS add_date_8, t0.description AS description_9, t0.uuid AS uuid_10, t0.component_price AS component_price_11, t0.container AS container_12, t0.container_size AS container_size_13, t0.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_14, t0.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_15, t0.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_16, t0.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_17, t0.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_18, t0.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_19, t0.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_20, t0.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_21, t0.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_22, t0.deposit AS deposit_23, t0.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_24, t0.tax_id AS tax_id_25, t0.unit_id AS unit_id_26, t0.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_27 FROM product t0 INNER JOIN FollowUp ON t0.id = FollowUp.product_id WHERE FollowUp.follow_up_product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 979 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 979 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3 FROM product_tag t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 979 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" (parameters: [ 1 => 979 ], types: [ 1 => 1 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.amount AS amount_2, t0.product_id AS product_id_3, t0.stock_id AS stock_id_4 FROM product_to_stock t0 WHERE t0.product_id = ?" "params" => [ 1 => 979 ] "types" => [ 1 => 1 ] ] |
doctrine |
Executing statement: "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.handle AS handle_1, p0_.name AS name_2, p0_.price AS price_3, p0_.model AS model_4, p0_.status AS status_5, p0_.image AS image_6, p0_.add_date AS add_date_7, p0_.description AS description_8, p0_.uuid AS uuid_9, p0_.component_price AS component_price_10, p0_.container AS container_11, p0_.container_size AS container_size_12, p0_.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_13, p0_.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_14, p0_.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_15, p0_.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_16, p0_.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_17, p0_.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_18, p0_.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_19, p0_.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_20, p0_.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_21, p0_.deposit AS deposit_22, p0_.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_23, p0_.tax_id AS tax_id_24, p0_.unit_id AS unit_id_25, p0_.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_26 FROM product p0_ WHERE p0_.model LIKE ? ORDER BY p0_.model ASC" (parameters: [ 1 => "%schni%" ], types: [ 1 => 2 ]) [ "sql" => "SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.handle AS handle_1, p0_.name AS name_2, p0_.price AS price_3, p0_.model AS model_4, p0_.status AS status_5, p0_.image AS image_6, p0_.add_date AS add_date_7, p0_.description AS description_8, p0_.uuid AS uuid_9, p0_.component_price AS component_price_10, p0_.container AS container_11, p0_.container_size AS container_size_12, p0_.storage_unit_length AS storage_unit_length_13, p0_.storage_unit_width AS storage_unit_width_14, p0_.storage_unit_height AS storage_unit_height_15, p0_.storage_unit_volume AS storage_unit_volume_16, p0_.storage_unit_container_size AS storage_unit_container_size_17, p0_.storage_unit_pallet_size AS storage_unit_pallet_size_18, p0_.storage_unit_total_liters AS storage_unit_total_liters_19, p0_.storage_unit_weight AS storage_unit_weight_20, p0_.sales_unit_factor AS sales_unit_factor_21, p0_.deposit AS deposit_22, p0_.purchasing_price AS purchasing_price_23, p0_.tax_id AS tax_id_24, p0_.unit_id AS unit_id_25, p0_.contra_account_id AS contra_account_id_26 FROM product p0_ WHERE p0_.model LIKE ? ORDER BY p0_.model ASC" "params" => [ 1 => "%schni%" ] "types" => [ 1 => 2 ] ] |
security |
Stored the security token in the session.
[ "key" => "_security_main" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CacheableResponseVaryListener::onResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CacheableResponseVaryListener::onResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\Hydra\EventListener\AddLinkHeaderListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\Hydra\EventListener\AddLinkHeaderListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\WebLink\EventListener\AddLinkHeaderListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\WebLink\EventListener\AddLinkHeaderListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "ApiPlatform\Core\HttpCache\EventListener\AddHeadersListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "ApiPlatform\Core\HttpCache\EventListener\AddHeadersListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener::removeCspHeader" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ErrorListener::removeCspHeader" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DisallowRobotsIndexingListener::onResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DisallowRobotsIndexingListener::onResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse" .
[ "event" => "kernel.response" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.finish_request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onFinishRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.finish_request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onFinishRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.finish_request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.finish_request" "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\EventListener\ResetAssetsEventListener::resetAssets" .
[ "event" => "kernel.finish_request" "listener" => "Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\EventListener\ResetAssetsEventListener::resetAssets" ] |
event |
Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelFinishRequest" .
[ "event" => "kernel.finish_request" "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleAwareListener::onKernelFinishRequest" ] |
PHP Notices 0
Log messages generated by PHP notices silenced with the @ operator.
There are no log messages of this level.
Container 2045
Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.
Class | Messages |
482 |
383 |
110 |
472 |
156 |
442 |